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Small Batch is the future

Making food in giant batches makes it worse. That's why pasta sauce at fine dining restaurants tastes so much better than jarred ones.

Saint Pasta makes high quality pasta sauce in small batches.

We simmer whole peeled tomatoes with onions, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil for hours until they start to fall apart. This creates a velvety full flavored sauce you could enjoy without making reservations.

If you're into quality craftsmanship, we release our pasta sauce monthly to our 20,000+ subscribers.

🍝Try some of our next batch🍝

*We never send more than 1 email per month unless something crazy happens

Frequently Asked Questions

πŸ’€ FAQs πŸ’€

What TF is Saint Pasta?

Saint Pasta is a cult... but also we make wildly flavorful pasta sauces in small batches.

Why small batch pasta sauce?

Because you shouldn't have to go to an expensive restaurant or cook for 4 hours just to have a great bowl of pasta.

Making our sauce in small batches allows us to cook the tomatoes for hours like a restaurant creating a rich flavorful sauce. No other jarred brand on shelves does that.

When will I get it?

If you're in the Southwest, you'll get your box within 1-2 days of it shipping. Everywhere else will take 3-4 days. If we could teleport it we would.